
Showing posts from October, 2016

Childhood Mischief.

Most of my childhood memories are about my mischief. I was the naughty kid in my society, who loves to prank. And I was the most loved kid too. But still, there were few people who were annoyed by the notorious activities of mine. Today I was helping my mum with some festive work and she told me how I use to be when I was seven. She also told me how I use to irritate an uncle in our neighbour just for fun. I started to recollect all the memories and that made me happy. I started thinking about my neighbour, I never had any intention to irritate him but I use to have fun watching him annoyed, angry and yelling. I was seven that time, it was Diwali break and I was free to make plans to do some pranks with my favourite neighbour. I use to wake up early and run downstairs to meet my friends and we use to play till our mums use to come to pick us up. And on the festival’s eve, we were the most energetic and excited ones. I use to roam around the whole society burning crackers a


Everybody has felt that first touch of love when we hold our mother's tender finger. Most of us live happily under her shadow of care. She nurtures us. She makes us who we are. She is the most selfless person present. She can spend days without eating but she can't stand we crying from hunger even for a single second. But. Not everyone is lucky enough to get the luxury of her food. Her touch. Her love. Her care. They have no one to share their thoughts with. No mentor. No, guide on the rubble path. No one to hold their hands and make them walk. No one to hold their cycles from behind. No one to wake up for them all night so that they can sleep calmly. No one to calm them during PMS. No one to sleep with them.  But those who have her. Those who are born with silver spoons in their mouths have no value for that diamond hearted coal. The coal she made herself to make us shine. Nobody cares for her. She kills herself to make us live. No one takes time to admire her beautif

My Favourite One.

When we are in crisis, nobody helps; except family. They are the one, who take us out from a vulnerable abyss. I have the best family in the world; even I have the best relatives too. Nowadays I don’t spend my much time with my family or relatives, but sometimes, I still recollect some of the memories of me and my relatives. I still remember those days, when I use to play with my favourite aunt. She used to make me happy a lot. She uses to become like a kid with me and accompany me every time. I liked to spend time with her; sometimes she also helped in my studies and homework. But this all things happened when I was a kid. I still want to go back to those days. Today also I share same behaviour with her. My aunt, she is fun loving and ever young. Whenever I meet her now also, we do a lot of talking and we laugh a lot. A few days ago, I was studying and my father’s phone rang, he talked to someone on the phone and I was able to hear the tension in his voice while talking. Som

A Note From A Friend.

Today I was cleaning up my cupboard after a while. And whenever I do so, I find many interesting things that were lost or had some connection with my beautiful past. So when I was cleaning it today, I found my school bag, which I use to carry to my previous school. I checked all the compartments of the bag, and I found my wallet and a piece of paper in it. I was seeing that bag right after the day I left my previous school. I had many memories of my previous school and I still miss my friends from the school. The piece of paper that I found in my bag had something written in it, so to check what was written inside I eagerly turned the folds and it was a note from my friend. And it said, “Take care pal! We will meet soon...” After reading that note I was flooded with emotions and the last day in my previous school came into my eyes. The last day in my previous school was a very emotional day. Many of my friends didn’t even attend the school that day and that made me more upset

A Billion Dollar Smile.

Smile can change things, even feelings and emotions. For past few days I was busy adjusting myself in a new locality. I used to stay half of my day in school and other half completing the pending work, and if still some time left I did some writing. But during this time I never got time to talk to people, to have a good conversation with them. I regret it. But I regret most that I didn’t talked to my maa for past few weeks. I usually don’t share my things and my life that much with her but I know she knows everything about me. That is the best thing I love about her. Yesterday, I got free with my studies and had nothing else to do; so I went to maa and sat near her. She was calculating something in her diary and I never know what does she writes in her diary. I have tried many times to understand what has written in the diary but never exactly got it. So, I asked her what she was doing? She stopped doing what she was and looked at me and gave me a very beautiful smile,  and r


Hey guys! So this is my second post. Hope you love it!  *********************************** So its a collection of short rhyming sentences that I have written on my own. Its how a girl and a boy start falling for each other and finally how they confess.  The dialoges in italics are by the girl and the ones in bold are by the boy.  ************************************* 'Why do you hurt me So loud and clear I too have feelings Why dont you hear?' 'We are hurt by those For whom we care I guess you like me Loud and clear?' ' Trouble maker That's your middle name. I know that you are no good But you are stuck in my brain.' 'I knew I knew You were falling for me From day one You were counting on me.' 'Of course I see in you Something rather someone. Omg are you aware! Am I that obvious and that clear?' 'Girl, you have an effect on me Too, I dont know how But I am falling for you Too.' 'Goddamn it, shit and

Waiting for that one phone call

She was 17. She was just 17.... 1990, 7th November It was her birth and she was all dressed up with a huge smile on her face and was waiting for the evening to start. Mira her mother called from downstairs who was waiting for her to get ready so they could leave for the evening prayers at the nearest Krishna temple. She came running full of excitement. She hugged her mother again may be for the 50th time that day and kissed her on her cheek and she said let's go maa. Her mother was so happy seeing her happy and said "I have seen you smile after months I am so happy for you and thank god at least you are happy today". Mira smiled silently. Now you must be thinking she is happy because it was her birthday that day but the reason is something else. Her best friend was coming back from London after 8 years . He was sent there by his parents for his studies that's what everyone thought but the reason was something else, his parents were afraid of his growing friendship

The Genuine One.

True love is hard to find, and hardest in this generation. But there are people who define true love with their actions. I also had true love and I love that girl with a pure heart. She is really special to me and I can do anything for her if she wants me to. I love her, but we are not in any relationship except friendship. The day I first saw her was the prettiest day of my life. I live in the northern region and she is also from there, we both study in the same school and I met her first in school only. She used to live in the hostel and I live near the school only. Only for her, I forced my parents to get me admission in the hostel so that I can see her more frequently. My parents agreed and they made me happy. Now I used to meet her daily, during free time, dinner, breakfast, in school. And watching her and admiring makes my day. I was hiding my feelings for her for a long time, but my friends know me well and they got to know about it soon. They used to tease me and her, I

The Special Ones.

The Special Ones. I have met zillion of people in my life. Many of them are worth remembering, others are just for a time period. But above all those, there is only one person that I can title as “the special one”. The one for whom I can even take a bullet. That person is physically same as the others but her soul is evergreen and her charm is a magnet. Our connection is not so old but it is very strong. Everyone has that special one, if you don’t just be patient you will find him. How I found my special one is an interesting story. One Saturday night I had some plans with my friends and I went with them to a bar, all my friends were with their girlfriends but I was single at that time so being with all of them I was still alone. First, my friends wanted to listen to some live music so we went to a place for the live band, then they wanted to dance so we went for Disco, lately they just wanted to lay rest in peace so I drove them to their house. It was late and I was feeling as

Alice In Wonderland-2

So who has not heard the famous Alice In Wonderland story? It's common. But this Alice is different and so is her Wonderland. We saw Alice who slept in her sister's lap, dreamt of wonderland- a place where everything which is impossible existed. And existed in a different way. From the rabbit who had a clock and the big hole which nearly reached the middle of the Earth. From the different tonics which made her tall and the cake which made her short. From the golden key to the small door which was the passage to wonderland. From the mysterious cat and the mushroom and the cards which were the king and the queen. From the fat lady to the child who kept on crying and the weird game which looked like golf. Well, these were the old things in the old story. This Alice is modern. She lives in a busy life. She has no time to feed her cat and follow a rabbit. She has no time to play and fall asleep in her sister's lap. She has no time to dream. She has no tim