The Genuine One.

True love is hard to find, and hardest in this generation. But there are people who define true love with their actions. I also had true love and I love that girl with a pure heart. She is really special to me and I can do anything for her if she wants me to. I love her, but we are not in any relationship except friendship. The day I first saw her was the prettiest day of my life.
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I live in the northern region and she is also from there, we both study in the same school and I met her first in school only. She used to live in the hostel and I live near the school only. Only for her, I forced my parents to get me admission in the hostel so that I can see her more frequently. My parents agreed and they made me happy.

Now I used to meet her daily, during free time, dinner, breakfast, in school. And watching her and admiring makes my day. I was hiding my feelings for her for a long time, but my friends know me well and they got to know about it soon. They used to tease me and her, I used to tolerate when they teased me but could not take it a moment when they teases her. She is innocent and didn’t know that I loved her. So I decided to tell her.
But, according to me; my grooming has made me shy. So it was near to impossible that I tell her my feelings. To tell her, how I feel for her, I took some help from my close friends and asked them to tell her. But she confronted me first and told that she didn’t wanted to be in any relationships as it will cause a distraction for her and as her parents have sent her far away to study and build up her qualifications. She didn’t accept my proposal but she chose to be friends.
I was upset for few days but then being her friend, and making her laugh and happy made me happy. I attached to her so much that when she gets angry, I also get angry; when she is happy, I am also happy.
I never thought that I would feel like that for someone one day but now I have started living in her smile.
I will be there for her whenever she wants me and I am still waiting for her.

The story was written by – Akshat Atray.
True Story of a True Friend.


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