A Note From A Friend.

Today I was cleaning up my cupboard after a while. And whenever I do so, I find many interesting things that were lost or had some connection with my beautiful past. So when I was cleaning it today, I found my school bag, which I use to carry to my previous school. I checked all the compartments of the bag, and I found my wallet and a piece of paper in it. I was seeing that bag right after the day I left my previous school.
I had many memories of my previous school and I still miss my friends from the school. The piece of paper that I found in my bag had something written in it, so to check what was written inside I eagerly turned the folds and it was a note from my friend. And it said, “Take care pal! We will meet soon...”

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After reading that note I was flooded with emotions and the last day in my previous school came into my eyes. The last day in my previous school was a very emotional day. Many of my friends didn’t even attend the school that day and that made me more upset that day.
That day I wanted to see the whole school for the last time and I wanted to meet each and every person I knew in the school. I had my best friends, the loved ones in the school and I didn’t want to leave them. Only a few friends came to school that day, I was controlling my emotions but I really wanted to cry. In my class, I even cried once or twice at the back-bench. I still remember two of my friends that helped me a lot that day to overcome the sadness that I was feeling. And they were successful in diverting my mind and making that day happy for me. Those two classmates became my friends a few weeks ago only, but I got to know that they were the real ones.

The time was passing very fast that day, but I wanted to slow it down. The school was near to over and every friend was cheering me up. I felt many emotions that day. And when I was stepping out of the school, I saw it for the last time and went towards my cab. My friends came with to the cab and I was controlling my tears.

I hugged my best ones and told them to take care of themselves and my loved ones. And I left the school. I still remember that as soon as my van turned from the school road, my eyes couldn’t control and tears fell off rolling on my cheeks.

That day I found some real friends. And that day became one of the saddest days in my life.

Story Written By – Akshat Atray.
True Story.


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