My Favourite One.

When we are in crisis, nobody helps; except family. They are the one, who take us out from a vulnerable abyss. I have the best family in the world; even I have the best relatives too.
Nowadays I don’t spend my much time with my family or relatives, but sometimes, I still recollect some of the memories of me and my relatives. I still remember those days, when I use to play with my favourite aunt. She used to make me happy a lot. She uses to become like a kid with me and accompany me every time.

Image result for boy and mother b&w photographyI liked to spend time with her; sometimes she also helped in my studies and homework. But this all things happened when I was a kid. I still want to go back to those days. Today also I share same behaviour with her. My aunt, she is fun loving and ever young. Whenever I meet her now also, we do a lot of talking and we laugh a lot.

A few days ago, I was studying and my father’s phone rang, he talked to someone on the phone and I was able to hear the tension in his voice while talking. Something was not well. When he hung up the phone, I eagerly asked him who was on the line and what happened.
He told that my Aunt was not well she got fainted and was hospitalised in the evening. He continued by telling me that doctors had done some diagnostics and results are pending.

The news made me upset. And after that, I was unable to pay attention to my studies so I decided to sleep and prayed to make my aunt well. Next morning, another bad news was waiting for me; my maa told me that my aunt had a swollen tissue in her brain, and doctors are still in some confusion. The day went all bad ahead. It became a little lighter when I talked to my friend, she makes my day.
Next day, in the noon another update came from my cousin sister that doctors have decided to put my aunt on ventilation. Now I couldn’t control my tears and felt vulnerable.

I don’t believe in god, but for her, I am begging god to make her back to her energetic, fun loving, and funny state. She is my favourite and I cannot imagine her in a silent state.

Written By – Akshat Atray.


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