A Billion Dollar Smile.

Smile can change things, even feelings and emotions.

For past few days I was busy adjusting myself in a new locality. I used to stay half of my day in school and other half completing the pending work, and if still some time left I did some writing. But during this time I never got time to talk to people, to have a good conversation with them. I regret it. But I regret most that I didn’t talked to my maa for past few weeks. I usually don’t share my things and my life that much with her but I know she knows everything about me. That is the best thing I love about her.

Image result for Mother b&w photographyYesterday, I got free with my studies and had nothing else to do; so I went to maa and sat near her. She was calculating something in her diary and I never know what does she writes in her diary. I have tried many times to understand what has written in the diary but never exactly got it. So, I asked her what she was doing? She stopped doing what she was and looked at me and gave me a very beautiful smile, and replied that now I have got time to talk to her. I was little embarrassed. 

I was lacking with the topic to start the conversation, but I did not need that as she started the conversation herself.

We talked for hours and I felt really relieved from the stress I was dealing with. The relation a son and a mother carry is very beautiful at every aspect. Mothers are adorable.

That day I barely listened what she was saying as I was constantly looking at her smile. She has a Billion Dollar Smile. And that day I realise that for every tension there is only one solution, and that is a small talk with your mother.

Story Written By – Akshat Atray.


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