
Showing posts from September, 2016


Shoutout to all "know it all" people out there. NO. YOU DON'T. We all have the tendency to make up things by just a sight. But what we cannot see are those little efforts a person makes ONLY to keep that one special one in their lives no matter how many they smacked them down to their knees, broke their faith and gave them a goodbye wave way too ordinarily. How hard that person is trying to save their bond. How hard that person is trying to give them their everything even when their own pockets have holes. Nobody notices their efforts when they put that one special person at number one on their priority list and keeping themselves as second in front of the world. They bit of more they can chew only to see that person's beautiful grin and contentment. But all these sacrifices caused them an arm and a leg to do no good to them. There is a grief solitude summoning that person. .NOBODY notices their solitude but curses their mistakes. All they can do is sit and wait for

I didn't see it coming or.....???

Whenever I am sad I think maybe I deserved it maybe it's me who's the culprit or maybe it's just some wrong decisions I made which made me go through all this... Life isn't fair na when you think you are the most happy person in the world and your happy soul flies in the sky of hope  it's slaps you hard and brings you down. No one's life is perfect and everyone goes through their ups and downs but the thing is did we saw it coming?? Oh yes we did but we were so busy that we failed to notice it. The thing is whatever we do today definitely effects our future may be for good may be for bad but it surely does. Later thinking how could this happen is just an already solved mystery. For being to true to your soul one should be courageous and confidant to take decisions and to stand on them even if they go wrong which can sometimes include regret but hey life goes on and some pain and little regret would not harm, or I'll say they will give you a learning fo

Just an Advice.

Humour turns every listless conversation more interesting. It is a positive thing that brings an unknown energy to a person. But my friend Paul uses humour as a very powerful shield; he is a man with a universe of secrets. He is just like me. He never let anyone know, when he is upset or sad for something. Being his best friend, sometimes I also do not get to know that he is upset; that is because he changes the topic every time with some hilarious joke or line. Once I was same as he is right now. I used to keep my sad moments with me and try to never share them with anyone. It was quite simple to do so but it was really painful to hide as you cannot express yourself in front of anyone. But one day a friend of mine asked me; why I always use to be silent and never share anything with someone; my answer to that was it is worthless to tell someone about your sad moments as they won’t feel that. After thinking hard on that I thought to try once to tell someone about my feelings and

Depression Is Not a Way.

One of the questions that people ask me all the time is about motivation, they want to ask how I always be motivated and never feel depressed. And I never know how to answer those questions, because motivation was never my problem. I never lean on to something depressing. Or I never get depressed because I’ve faced a lot of problems in my life, in front of which other things looks like negligible. I didn’t grow up with much money. My parents did the best they can. We lived in a city, my father was a teacher and whole society was friendly and everyone was my friend. And when I was a kid of about six or seven, I still remember that our house was robbed. But still, we managed and things worked out. But few years later it didn’t worked out with my parents and they divorced. My mom was married two additional times, my first step father was really abusive, I still try to block out memories I still carry of him. The second one was pretty emotionally abusive. And when I got 18 and wen

Incomplete affection.

Light was penetrating my eye-lids and forced me to wake up, I didn’t want to wake that morning just because of the dream I had. It was a beautiful dream. I remember it point to point and don’t want to forget it. ‘It all started with an attraction to adorable girl.’ I was not ready to tell her how I feel about her, but something inside me made me do so, maybe it was the attraction or connection with that girl, which I had. I am better at writing than speaking and if I am nervous I write brilliant but in nervousness I speak rubbish. That day I was nervous and was going to tell her my emotions by speaking. I had many beautiful chances to speak to her but I was passing all those chances for a perfect moment. As soon as I saw her alone, I went up straight towards her and told her how I felt for her, and as I was thinking I spoke crap, I fumbled, I didn’t came to the point and I couldn’t tell her how I feel truly for her. I was disappointed as I know, I could do better. And I wa

Loving Granny.

Phone ranged at midnight all my family woke to know who called at this hour, my mother picked up the call and was silent she was just listening and suddenly after listening for three-four seconds she started weeping like a baby, her face was wet and she was unable to speak anything. We all asked her badly what happened but she was in her own world thinking and crying my father took the mobile phone from her hand and asked the caller to know what had happened, it was a call from my uncle calling to tell that my grandma could not make it longer. She was in the hospital for almost one month and her condition was beyond critical. My dad took his car and helped my mom to get in it, all the way to the hospital my mom was crying non-stop, thinking all the good time she spent with her mother. It is very difficult for a child to see his or her parent’s death. The whole situation made me and my sister cry out loud. My dad was trying to control his emotions, because he was driving the car