I didn't see it coming or.....???

Whenever I am sad I think maybe I deserved it maybe it's me who's the culprit or maybe it's just some wrong decisions I made which made me go through all this...
Life isn't fair na when you think you are the most happy person in the world and your happy soul flies in the sky of hope  it's slaps you hard and brings you down.
No one's life is perfect and everyone goes through their ups and downs but the thing is did we saw it coming??
Oh yes we did but we were so busy that we failed to notice it.
The thing is whatever we do today definitely effects our future may be for good may be for bad but it surely does.
Later thinking how could this happen is just an already solved mystery.
For being to true to your soul one should be courageous and confidant to take decisions and to stand on them even if they go wrong which can sometimes include regret but hey life goes on and some pain and little regret would not harm, or I'll say they will give you a learning for being more precise before taking any chances.
So I think know you ... did you see it coming?? .... Or ....


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