Incomplete affection.

Light was penetrating my eye-lids and forced me to wake up, I didn’t want to wake that morning just because of the dream I had. It was a beautiful dream. I remember it point to point and don’t want to forget it.

Image result for Dreaming b&w photography‘It all started with an attraction to adorable girl.’
I was not ready to tell her how I feel about her, but something inside me made me do so, maybe it was the attraction or connection with that girl, which I had. I am better at writing than speaking and if I am nervous I write brilliant but in nervousness I speak rubbish. That day I was nervous and was going to tell her my emotions by speaking.
I had many beautiful chances to speak to her but I was passing all those chances for a perfect moment. As soon as I saw her alone, I went up straight towards her and told her how I felt for her, and as I was thinking I spoke crap, I fumbled, I didn’t came to the point and I couldn’t tell her how I feel truly for her.

I was disappointed as I know, I could do better. And I was ready for a rejection already. And same thing happened, she never saw me that way. But after reaching her and opening up with her, I was felt fulfilled. That day I wanted to pull her closer and tell her what I was thinking. But due to some circumstances I couldn’t, and left that emotion behind and moved ahead in my life, thinking that I had no future with her. But she made that wrong.

She is the best thing that happened to me. And I enjoy the relation we both carry of being friends, with us. I hope that this friendship lives long and I find her in every single path I walk. I never preferred to be just friend with her, but gradually I started liking it.
‘It ended without completing itself.’

We dream just for few minutes or seconds but can really see whole life in it. That day I saw my life in that dream and I try to find her in the real world. Maybe she is around. I will know it by seeing her eyes.
                                   Truly Imaginary.

                                                                                                                Story Written By Akshat Atray.


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