Depression Is Not a Way.

One of the questions that people ask me all the time is about motivation, they want to ask how I always be motivated and never feel depressed. And I never know how to answer those questions, because motivation was never my problem. I never lean on to something depressing. Or I never get depressed because I’ve faced a lot of problems in my life, in front of which other things looks like negligible.

I didn’t grow up with much money. My parents did the best they can. We lived in a city, my father was a teacher and whole society was friendly and everyone was my friend. And when I was a kid of about six or seven, I still remember that our house was robbed. But still, we managed and things worked out.
Image result for depressed b&w photographyBut few years later it didn’t worked out with my parents and they divorced. My mom was married two additional times, my first step father was really abusive, I still try to block out memories I still carry of him. The second one was pretty emotionally abusive.
And when I got 18 and went for college I never looked back, I never came back home. Subsequently they also got divorced as well.

Today I think those days and get happy that I don’t have those situations now. When I was 13 my mom gave me a membership of gym, and that changed my life as I chose gym as my passion, carrier.
And I knew at the age of 13 that I will own a fitness training gym one day; that thought was really overwhelming but it didn’t worked out that way. I had my Hurdles later.

And after college I came back to my home town, I was broke, struggling and didn’t knew what I was going to do in the rest of my life. My first job was as a deputy trainer in a local gym. I worked hard and got promoted later. At that time I had some arguments with my friends and resulted in losing them. It was really hard on me that time. I went to councilors, and they helped me a lot to overcome those problems.

After that I was back to beats and gave all my devotion to my work. In those years I met a woman named Lynda, I was her fitness trainer and I helped her to reduce about 46kgs. She was really thankful to me and we developed a good friendship. Friend was the one thing I required at that time. One day she came to me and told me that she want to help others like I did for her, and she asked me to open a gym with her. I was happiest person at that moment. We struggled a lot and I start realizing that we were not making money that much but I was doing something of my passion so financial status doesn’t mattered me that time, I was happy.
We started expanding our business and took loan from friends, relatives, and bank. Later we start up ending money real quick. Lynda had some fall offs with some investors and our gym was sold.
Later I had no money and started an ice-cream van, which was really shame for a 30 year old guy. But after that I worked hard and saved my money for later and started small businesses and later I developed my own gym which was giving me a huge profit. I build many branches and now I am at a stage on which I can say I succeeded my life.

So long story short I just wanted to tell you that you never need to be depressed or upset. Just work hard and try to block out everything else that’s making you upset.

Story written by – Akshat Atray. (True Story).


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