Loving Granny.

Phone ranged at midnight all my family woke to know who called at this hour, my mother picked up the call and was silent she was just listening and suddenly after listening for three-four seconds she started weeping like a baby, her face was wet and she was unable to speak anything.

Image result for grandma b&w photographyWe all asked her badly what happened but she was in her own world thinking and crying my father took the mobile phone from her hand and asked the caller to know what had happened, it was a call from my uncle calling to tell that my grandma could not make it longer. She was in the hospital for almost one month and her condition was beyond critical. My dad took his car and helped my mom to get in it, all the way to the hospital my mom was crying non-stop, thinking all the good time she spent with her mother. It is very difficult for a child to see his or her parent’s death.
The whole situation made me and my sister cry out loud. My dad was trying to control his emotions, because he was driving the car and it was important to reach safe than to reach fast.
In my mother’s house my grandma was the only one who took care of my mother, after the death of my grandpa. So my mother was emotionally more attached to my grandma.

 My granny was really cute, she used to love me a lot. I used to take nap on her lap and I loved that so much. After her, the environment of house was disturbed for many weeks and the worst part was that she went just before my birthday. That was my worst birthday and it couldn’t get worse. On my birthday I was just thinking about her and some memories. It took two-three weeks for me to get over it but my mother took more than that, she still cries for her whenever she thinks about her.

I am just 16 and I’ve seen many losses in my life, this makes me upset sometimes. But I keep myself motivated every time in my life cause I’ve reasons to be happy for and some goals to achieve. These goals help me to wake up every morning and make me work hard so that I can have them in my life.

Everyone needs to find that reason and goals, for which you are living.

Story written by: Akshat Atray.


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