Just an Advice.

Humour turns every listless conversation more interesting. It is a positive thing that brings an unknown energy to a person.
But my friend Paul uses humour as a very powerful shield; he is a man with a universe of secrets. He is just like me. He never let anyone know, when he is upset or sad for something.

Being his best friend, sometimes I also do not get to know that he is upset; that is because he changes the topic every time with some hilarious joke or line. Once I was same as he is right now. I used to keep my sad moments with me and try to never share them with anyone. It was quite simple to do so but it was really painful to hide as you cannot express yourself in front of anyone.
Image result for silence images bnwBut one day a friend of mine asked me; why I always use to be silent and never share anything with someone; my answer to that was it is worthless to tell someone about your sad moments as they won’t feel that.

After thinking hard on that I thought to try once to tell someone about my feelings and some of my secrets. I tried with a girl who I trusted. As I unlocked my secrets and some of my stories one by one with her, I started feeling pretty positive afterwards. She gave some of her opinions and it felt nice to hear those opinions.

She became my diary on which I can write my feelings, opinions and stories. Then I realised that it is worth to share what’s inside you with someone trustworthy. It feels really light after doing so.
Now whenever I see people trying to hide their feelings and their stories, I feel vulnerable for them and try to make them speak as much they could. But sometimes their stubbornness not to share what’s inside them and that makes them suffocated by hiding things, which can cause to harmful consequences.

Sharing my feelings with someone I trust changed me and now I feel sufficient and joyful. Still, I have some of my secrets inside me but many of them are revealed with the one I trust.
 My simple advice  for those who have stored and locked their feelings inside them and are not willing to open them up forever is that try it for once and I assure you that you will feel changed after that.

-Just an advice from me.


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