
Showing posts from August, 2016


Today I was remembering and cherishing joyful moments I spent with my Father in my childhood. I love my dad the most. His words are my path and I try to follow whatever he says, not because I am afraid of him but because I love him, I respect him and can’t see him disappointed. I was sitting on the boundary wall of my roof seeing the sunset, it is one place where I sit when I feel lonely and upset and try to cheer myself by thinking all the good memories. Every time I sit on that railing seeing the sunset I feel happy and pleased. Today also I was happy sitting there and remembering all the funny moments I had done with my father and one of them was very interesting. I left my home determined not to come back as this would teach my father a lesson. I was six at that time. Now whenever I think about that incident a big grin on my face gradually appears and it stays there for about five-six minutes. All the things that happened that time are not clear in my memories but I am able

Try to avoid mistakes

Everyone needs a job at some point of time in their life to fill their bellies. But it becomes difficult for some people to get a job because of some reasons. Educated and literate person also find it difficult to find jobs sometimes. Jon was one of them. He was well educated and was very smart too, but he had no job because of a stamp in his identity. He was indulged in a crime scene five-years ago which he committed when he was not in a conscious sate. It was the time when he was twenty-two years and one night he was deeply drunk with his friends and all of them were driving towards a friend’s house in between the journey they had a minor accident with a girl. That girl didn’t have any injury but she was raging on Jon’s friends. One of Jon’s friends grabs that girl and tried to harass her. Some of the friends opposed this act whereas some got motivated and started doing the same. Jon tried to stop them doing that, as he knew this isn’t right but there was no one to listen him excep

When I first saw her

When I first saw her, I saw her eyes and then I observed that she has a beautiful smile and very cute laughter. Looking her, just for a glance I made that she would be very sorted and solved, but there is no girl in this world that has no secrets and is not complex. I am bad with approaching to girls; I don’t know how to start a conversation. So I just keep a distance with girls. But, that day I really wanted to talk to her. She seemed to have a really great personality or charm, which attracted me towards her. I waited for days to talk to her, at last, I was able to have a conversation with her, that day my fortune helped me. She was very normal to me but I was relentlessly admiring her; looking her eyes when she wasn’t looking at me.  Gradually we started to talk more. I got to know her better. She is very innocent and does not know the clever and shrewd world outside. Anyone can use her by simply flattering her. I with a pure heart became her friend and slowly she gained trus

Alcohol does not solve problems.

Alcohol is good if you consume it occasionally, it helps you to take your conscious mind to unconscious world, and you forget every stress and lose control on your mind. But this thing can make your life worse than you can imagine also. Arvin had a serious problem with Alcohol, he became addicted to it. He started taking it when he was 16 because his friends were taking it too, and he thought it is cool for 16 years old boy to be an Alcoholic. Arvin might have developed this habit as he was a boy without a father, so he had no fears of getting caught. When we are teens we flow with the trends but actually sometimes these trends take us to the wrong path which ends very badly. Arvin did not know how bad his addiction will take him. He was too addicted that he started taking alcohol in his house hiding from his mother. But one day they will come to know. That day arrived real soon. Arvin’s mom brought a new study table for Arvin without letting him know about it, she thought that be

Bye-Bye Feeling.

I thought I had many friends but I was wrong. That day I got to know that who all were behind me and who weren’t. It was my last day in the school and I was upset about it, I was leaving them and was going to start a new life at a new place, but after spending six years in that school I eventually grew a strong connection between my friends and with that school. Whenever I thought about leaving the place I fool myself by saying that “it is not going to happen.” But I knew I was wrong. So, day after was my last day in the school it was really vulnerable for me. But I was not capable of doing anything.  So to ease my vulnerability I thought to meet each and every person that had met me in those six years. I took my phone and started messaging everyone asking them to come to school tomorrow as it could be my last day in that school. Most of the replies were negative and few were unable to come because of some serious inconvenience. That time I realized that when I needed them most th