
Today I was remembering and cherishing joyful moments I spent with my Father in my childhood. I love my dad the most. His words are my path and I try to follow whatever he says, not because I am afraid of him but because I love him, I respect him and can’t see him disappointed.
I was sitting on the boundary wall of my roof seeing the sunset, it is one place where I sit when I feel lonely and upset and try to cheer myself by thinking all the good memories. Every time I sit on that railing seeing the sunset I feel happy and pleased.
Image result for father and son black and white photographyToday also I was happy sitting there and remembering all the funny moments I had done with my father and one of them was very interesting.
I left my home determined not to come back as this would teach my father a lesson. I was six at that time. Now whenever I think about that incident a big grin on my face gradually appears and it stays there for about five-six minutes.
All the things that happened that time are not clear in my memories but I am able to make out what had exactly happened. What I remember is that it was winter and my father came to home for lunch from office very annoyed by some malfunction in accountancy of the company. That thing was making angry and he was disturbed by that thing.
I understood that my dad is disturbed of something and is annoyed, I started thinking how to make him happy and take is attention away from it.
I started asking him about my cycle, and when he would buy it for me. I was thinking that this will make him happy as the talking of cycle makes me happy but at that time I didn’t knew that this could make his mood worse.
After four – five minutes tolerating me he stood up and yelled at me to keep quiet and to get back to my room. His anger took my tears out and I went in my room crying. Now I was angry on him as I was trying to help him and he yelled at me instead.

I decided that it is not good to be here as no one understands me. “A boy of six thinking all this things is really funny to know”. I took my backpack asked my mum to fill my lunch-box with wafers and packed some of my toys with me and went towards the public playground near my house.
I planned to get back to home after spending large amount of time in the ground, and this would make him understand that he should not do it again.
I went back to home after four hours in playground that was the highest time I was in the ground. When I went inside the home I was expecting everyone to ask me where I was, and why I did so, and they must be crying without me. But no such thing happened; all of my family members were living smoothly no one asked me about anything. I was little bit disappointed after all that. But I lost my anger quickly when my dad came with some chocolates and took me for a ride to my favorite candy store.
Now whenever I try to remember that day I laugh at-least once. After all I love my dad and he is my SRK.

Story written by Akshat Atray.


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