Alcohol does not solve problems.

Alcohol is good if you consume it occasionally, it helps you to take your conscious mind to unconscious world, and you forget every stress and lose control on your mind. But this thing can make your life worse than you can imagine also. Arvin had a serious problem with Alcohol, he became addicted to it. He started taking it when he was 16 because his friends were taking it too, and he thought it is cool for 16 years old boy to be an Alcoholic. Arvin might have developed this habit as he was a boy without a father, so he had no fears of getting caught.
When we are teens we flow with the trends but actually sometimes these trends take us to the wrong path which ends very badly.
Arvin did not know how bad his addiction will take him. He was too addicted that he started taking alcohol in his house hiding from his mother. But one day they will come to know. That day arrived real soon. Arvin’s mom brought a new study table for Arvin without letting him know about it, she thought that better study environment would encourage him to study well. While Arvin was in school she took the old study table out and shifted the new one inside Arvin’s room, but when she was checking the things inside the locker of the old study table she found a bottle of gin in it, she threw that immediately and it broke on the floor.
The smell spread in whole room. She was upset, thinking that she could not even give her child proper parenting. She checked the whole room and found enough evidence to know how much his son was deeply addicted to Alcohol. She cleaned the room and went to her bedroom sobbing. She decided that she would not get angry on him as it is a crucial age and kids can do anything they feel. Arvin’s Mother was talking to herself telling that she would be really soft and polite with Arvin and will try to make him understand how bad these things are.
Arvin came home and directly went to his room, and gave a really horrifying reaction seeing a new table in his room he ran to his mother yelling where is his old table, and Arvin’s mother asked him from where did he started all this stuff. Arvin didn’t know how to react on that, he just kept it silent and walked away from her mother. But Arvin’s Ma was constantly kept questioning him politely. Arvin ran out of his house ignoring his mother.
He took the car, and drove it with full speed as if he was afraid to face his mother’s question.
Arvin’s Mother cried lot thinking about how bad his son has fallen in the abyss of Alcohol. And she was thinking different ways to make her son understand his mistakes and how they can be corrected. While she was deep in her thought her phone rang and a sound unfamiliar in a hurry said something that took her breath.
Her son died in a car accident as he was speeding on a highway when a truck crossed him over.
That day Arvin’s mother could not take the burden of too much loss and she went into a severe depression. Now Arvin’s Ma lives in a Mental hospital and constantly speaks her son’s name.
                                                 Never get Alcohol lean on you.

                               Story Written By : Akshat Atray.


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