When I first saw her

When I first saw her, I saw her eyes and then I observed that she has a beautiful smile and very cute laughter. Looking her, just for a glance I made that she would be very sorted and solved, but there is no girl in this world that has no secrets and is not complex.
I am bad with approaching to girls; I don’t know how to start a conversation. So I just keep a distance with girls. But, that day I really wanted to talk to her. She seemed to have a really great personality or charm, which attracted me towards her.
I waited for days to talk to her, at last, I was able to have a conversation with her, that day my fortune helped me. She was very normal to me but I was relentlessly admiring her; looking her eyes when she wasn’t looking at me.  Gradually we started to talk more. I got to know her better.
She is very innocent and does not know the clever and shrewd world outside. Anyone can use her by simply flattering her.
I with a pure heart became her friend and slowly she gained trust on me. And it feels really satisfying to know that someone trusts you more than anyone.
We started talking more and more. I used to message her and then we used to have long chats lately. Talking to her I used to forget the time and we used to message each other till the midnight sometimes even late.
I used to like her personality and her soul but I don’t know where this love for her came out of nowhere. And I started loving each and everything related to her even her wrong acts would use to please me.
One day we were chatting lately, and she told me one of her secret; that she was suffering from leukaemia. That was like hundred of needles pinched me through. I was thinking positive, she told me that the leukaemia was at its first stage only, and doctors say that in six to eight months the disease will be cured. She always gives me surprises and I like them too. She was there with me in my difficult times and I was ready to be with her. I was ready to help her in whichever way she wants.
I have seen a girl like her never in my life and she is really adorable. Nowadays I am living far away from her but it feels like she is always there with me. She still motivates me and helps me. She knows that I am always at her back.
She is my best friend. She is a rare girl. She is my...

                                                       Story Of Mine.
                                                                    Written by: Akshat Atray.


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