Try to avoid mistakes

Everyone needs a job at some point of time in their life to fill their bellies. But it becomes difficult for some people to get a job because of some reasons. Educated and literate person also find it difficult to find jobs sometimes. Jon was one of them. He was well educated and was very smart too, but he had no job because of a stamp in his identity. He was indulged in a crime scene five-years ago which he committed when he was not in a conscious sate. It was the time when he was twenty-two years and one night he was deeply drunk with his friends and all of them were driving towards a friend’s house in between the journey they had a minor accident with a girl. That girl didn’t have any injury but she was raging on Jon’s friends. One of Jon’s friends grabs that girl and tried to harass her. Some of the friends opposed this act whereas some got motivated and started doing the same. Jon tried to stop them doing that, as he knew this isn’t right but there was no one to listen him except few of his friends.

This all scenario was happening in middle of a lonely road where no one can even see a vehicle moving around. Now the boys got excited and took that girl in their car, she was crying for help and was trying to lose the grip to run away. But she failed in doing so. They took her to their friend’s house and sexually abused her. Another day they all were in such a hung over that they didn’t even knew that they had committed a crime previous day.
One by one all of them were taken to jail and were accused for a trial. The punishment was announced and now when they were in full consciousness they regret and felt guilt about what they did. Their friendship was broken and now everyone was ashamed of themselves.
Jon completed his punishment and thought to change himself and to start a new life from the beginning. Whenever Jon tries to do something good, the crime stamp on his character blocked him from doing so.
He went into depression as no one trusted him now, he had no job, and he had no friends. His life became a living hell. And now his all property was sold out and he left with nothing. He now started stealing things to earn some by selling the stolen articles. He was caught for few more minor crimes and his whole life turned due to a small mistake. If he had chosen his peers judiciously he had not to face all these problems. One wrong step took his life’s peace.
He died few years later and his death didn’t even affect someone. There was no one to cry when he died. His death arrived now but he died of ashamed many years ago.

                                                                              Story written by: Akshat Atray.


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