Bye-Bye Feeling.

I thought I had many friends but I was wrong. That day I got to know that who all were behind me and who weren’t. It was my last day in the school and I was upset about it, I was leaving them and was going to start a new life at a new place, but after spending six years in that school I eventually grew a strong connection between my friends and with that school. Whenever I thought about leaving the place I fool myself by saying that “it is not going to happen.” But I knew I was wrong.
So, day after was my last day in the school it was really vulnerable for me. But I was not capable of doing anything.  So to ease my vulnerability I thought to meet each and every person that had met me in those six years.
I took my phone and started messaging everyone asking them to come to school tomorrow as it could be my last day in that school. Most of the replies were negative and few were unable to come because of some serious inconvenience. That time I realized that when I needed them most they were not there for me. At-least there were some who were in my favor. The day came I went to school, from the morning only I was hiding my emotions behind my happy expressions, I used claim that I am a great actor but that day I was unable to act and hide my emotions, when I reached to school.
I was surprised that those who were claiming to come were also not there, only few out of many were there to make me smile. But that was not enough. I eyes were looking for one person only Abhishek and when he arrived, I could not control my outrageous feelings and took him to lonely room and started crying in front of him.
I was somewhere confused. I was not upset that I was leaving the city but because those who I thought were my best were not there. The whole day went in recollecting all the memories with the school I had in all those six years.
It was an emotional day for me and for some others too.
But that day I made some true friends too. When I was sitting crying in my classroom two of the classmates whom I never talked that much came to me and started talking to me, slowly they made me forget all my grievances and I started smiling.
But that smile was also for few hours only.
Now, school ended and everyone was leaving back to their home very quickly. I wanted all of that to move really slowly. But I don’t know why that day time was running in its full pace.

I still do remember, what I said to my two best people.
“Take Care and Take Care of my Loved Ones.”

                                                                                                  True Experience.
                                                                                                  Written by- Akshat Atray.


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