
Showing posts from July, 2016

Its our mistake !

Sometimes behind a smile there's a hurting heart which has locked itself with things left unsaid. It is said" time heels every wound" i agree but it doesn't fade away it scars. It happens when very edge of your heart is bleeding,crying out loud but no one hears . When there's no one who's  shoulder are there to cry upon and no one to hold hands in the dark. You are all alone blaming life and destiny of yours , cursing your existence! But have you ever asked yourself why it happened?? It's not in our hands what happens in our lives but yes it is to handle it. Often we blame others for what went wrong in our lives but have we ever wondered it's we who gave them space to do so. People are not going to heart you until you give them liberty to do so and if we get heart it's our foolishness to trust them in the first place. Its obvious that we are not going to sense if a person is worthy enough to trust by meeting them for first or second time it take

It made my day.

It was my first date with my first crush. I was on cloud nine on that day because the girl I loved from my school days said yes for a date. She was looking very beautiful as usual but that day she was looking as beautiful as a red rose, she was wearing a red dress with her hair down long. I was super excited for that day; I booked a table of a fancy place to eat in the town. The place was on 56 th floor and the view from there was astonishing. She was very happy as I could read the smile on her face it was real. The date started smoothly and I lost all my fear and was enjoying the moment, the place was perfect so was the food with the glasses of wine I could taste love in my glass. And I could see, satisfaction and trust in her eyes. I took her back to home, we were in the lift when suddenly the lift got jammed and there were five of us in the lift amazed to see the lift jammed we tried to reach the guard and some help but no-one came, we thought the lift will get repaired in a

Was it real ?

Continuation of my previous post " we still friends? " It started effecting her badly as she was now a human without a heart. She was now afraid to talk to people ,share her feelings and to make friends. Most importantly she forgot how to smile. Once she was a girl with hopes and dreams and now she was just a depressed soul. Her seventeenth birthday was approaching and she was in mood of celebrating it but who knew that the day she'll turn seventeen will be a day she'll never forget.... The clock struck 12 and the rain outside welcomed her day, with tears in her eyes she wished herself happy birthday and  tossed off to sleep. Now she was in the world of dreams, flying with the birds , dancing with the cats and playing with the butterflies. The sun came out and there was he by the window she couldn't believe her eyes and pinched herself... She finally realized she was not watching a dream and he was  really standing there . Non of them said a word and tea

It took my Innocence.

Bullying is one of the main problems that some children face during their school or college life. I had also faced this observed felony. When I was eight or nine, my father was transferred to a place away from the city where education was not proper and living environment was also not bearable. My parents decided to shift me to a boarding school, my school was changed and I was said to be independent at the age of eight. I was the youngest kid in my hostel and most innocent too. Others used to take benefit of my innocence, and used to make fun of me. There were some people who took care of mine like my mom used to but I can’t be always behind those people. My first experience of bully was at the first day on my hostel; I came to my hostel in the month of July and didn’t knew the rules of the hostel my roommates stared at me as if I have committed some crime. I tried to be friends with them but they didn’t like to be friends with an eight years old kid. It took a while to adjust

We Still Friends?

Friendship ? What is friendship? She sat alone and started thinking. She lost her best friend forever that day. It's not that he was no more it's just that she couldn't find a reason to continue their friendship. You must be thinking she just a selfish ass so thought her other friends only she knew why she did so .... It's been  three years since they know each other and there was a time they told each other everything, smiled together, laughed together,sobbed together,cried together... She was happy and thought was lucky to have him by her side but she didn't realize what was coming next... He changed and he changed suddenly, started ignoring her, felt ashamed talking to her in front of others, ignored her calls . She was yet not ready to accept his behavior thinking it's just something he got irritated by ... She decided to wait but things got worse... And now she couldn't take it anymore. She was broke .... She cried for hour's and cursed hers


When everything's on a butter slide and all of a sudden rubble starts driving you through the most extreme, absurd phase of life. No bugle alarms. No warring pop-ups.When the centre of your life shifts from the walk on that piece of cake to the bed of coals. "Sugar and spice and everything naaice" statement suddenly turns the table and becomes a bedlam. THAT'SWHEN WE WONDER "WHY?" Adrenalin rush suddenly takes the front seat. Words ice in your mouth. Nothing to ponder. Nothing to say. Nothing to preach. Just an awkward silence wraps the whole situation and sums up everything. Mirror image of what we have been through appears on that silver skin to show us. Show us how we were being used. Show us the sufferings we have been through all that time. Show us how much we cared and how much they did. How frivolous that person can be. We rebuke. We rebuke every single time we wonder about them. Every single time they put us down to outshine someone else. Yes, we r


Family trips are fun and they get best when we go to long drive with our family, it gets more interesting. I love to be around my family. But one road-trip changed my whole life.  I remembered when I was four or five; my family was going to Haridwar a spirituous place of India. My dad was driving the car and grandpa was sitting beside him, and me, my mom and my grandma were in the backseat; I don’t have all the scenes in my mind properly but I can try to recall what all had happened at that road journey and how it changed my life. My mom was pregnant and we were going to Haridwar to get god’s blessings so that my mom gives birth to a baby boy.  My dad always wanted a son, it's common in Indians. In India girl, child is thought to be a misfortune We were about to reach Haridwar when everyone in the car was praising the upcoming baby and not even giving me attention. Every child likes to have attention, so to get attention I without thinking pushed my mother’s womb, the next th