
Family trips are fun and they get best when we go to long drive with our family, it gets more interesting. I love to be around my family. But one road-trip changed my whole life.
 I remembered when I was four or five; my family was going to Haridwar a spirituous place of India. My dad was driving the car and grandpa was sitting beside him, and me, my mom and my grandma were in the backseat; I don’t have all the scenes in my mind properly but I can try to recall what all had happened at that road journey and how it changed my life.
My mom was pregnant and we were going to Haridwar to get god’s blessings so that my mom gives birth to a baby boy.  My dad always wanted a son, it's common in Indians. In India girl, child is thought to be a misfortune
We were about to reach Haridwar when everyone in the car was praising the upcoming baby and not even giving me attention. Every child likes to have attention, so to get attention I without thinking pushed my mother’s womb, the next thing I remembered is that everyone was screaming at me, my mom was yelling in pain and my dad was the angriest one in the car.
We all went to a hospital and had my mom’s check-up, the doctor gave us the bad news that it had been a miscarriage of the child.
My dad was controlling multiple emotions inside him, he asked the doctor can we know that was it a boy or a girl,
Doctor replied that it was a boy.
I remember nothing after that.
But now I am treated worst in my home. My dad doesn’t talk to me, he treats me as a servant, and he gives me cruel punishments for nominal blunders. Earlier, when I was 10 or 12 years old, I use to request for apologies but now I am 16 and the time for apologies have gone now whenever he yells on me I yell in reply, and whenever we collide war starts, now whenever he punishes me I indirectly make him feel vulnerable. Every year my family go to vacations, without me. We do not communicate now. I can’t think how he can punish his own daughter just because a mistake which was committed when I was unconscious and when I apologised millions of time. It hurts me when I see my friends with their dad.

No one feels how I suffer. I want him back, I still love him.

                      -                                       Story of a good friend;
                                     Written by Akshat Atray.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank You on Behalf of Team SWC.

  2. amazing, btw i don't like reading. but it was awesome. good luck (y)

    1. Thank You so much Gulafsha, It means a lot to me. :')


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