It took my Innocence.

Bullying is one of the main problems that some children face during their school or college life. I had also faced this observed felony.
When I was eight or nine, my father was transferred to a place away from the city where education was not proper and living environment was also not bearable. My parents decided to shift me to a boarding school, my school was changed and I was said to be independent at the age of eight.
I was the youngest kid in my hostel and most innocent too. Others used to take benefit of my innocence, and used to make fun of me. There were some people who took care of mine like my mom used to but I can’t be always behind those people. My first experience of bully was at the first day on my hostel;
I came to my hostel in the month of July and didn’t knew the rules of the hostel my roommates stared at me as if I have committed some crime. I tried to be friends with them but they didn’t like to be friends with an eight years old kid. It took a while to adjust in the room and whenever I asked help to settle my stuff they used to abuse me. Howsoever I managed to settle my stuff before dinner, a bell ranged that indicated that the dinner time has been started, we all went down to ground floor where the cafeteria was situated, I was not in a mood to eat because it was for the first time I was eating my dinner without my parents, drops of tears were continuously rolling down from my cheeks;
 After eating my dinner when I went up to my room, and I saw my luggage, clothes, my stuff was messed around and was all over the room, I don’t know why but I couldn’t control my tears and started sobbing badly, whereas my roommates were laughing at me, being younger than them I couldn’t take a revenge from them as they had more muscle power than me, the whole thing I could do was to cry. Whole night I arranged my stuff again to the right place, when I was doing all that, it was for the first time I recognized how much my mother do my stuff and how I am suffering without her for one day.
That day those three elder roommates taught me some lesson that the world is big and you will find every type of people here.
I decided that night to be different for different people. It was that day when I was bullied first and now when no one dares to mess with me around. Now I am the nicest person to everyone until someone mess with me or the people I love. Bully made me something else and I appreciate that a lot.
Bully must be eliminated and then you see how much nice is the world around.


                                                                                                                        Story of a friend,
                                                                                                                     Written by- Akshat Atray.


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