It made my day.

It was my first date with my first crush. I was on cloud nine on that day because the girl I loved from my school days said yes for a date. She was looking very beautiful as usual but that day she was looking as beautiful as a red rose, she was wearing a red dress with her hair down long. I was super excited for that day; I booked a table of a fancy place to eat in the town. The place was on 56th floor and the view from there was astonishing. She was very happy as I could read the smile on her face it was real.
The date started smoothly and I lost all my fear and was enjoying the moment, the place was perfect so was the food with the glasses of wine I could taste love in my glass. And I could see, satisfaction and trust in her eyes.
I took her back to home, we were in the lift when suddenly the lift got jammed and there were five of us in the lift amazed to see the lift jammed we tried to reach the guard and some help but no-one came, we thought the lift will get repaired in a while but then, the floor of the lift started shaking and it got tilted we all were dragged by the tilt to the backside of the lift. Someone said it’s an earthquake. She was very scared and I could not see her frightened, some wires and iron plates fall from the lift, there were three men in the lift and two of the girls. All of started thinking the way to out; some said that we could remove the upper panel of the lift, I countered that idea as the rope or chain of the lift can be damaged and we all will free fall and we can die. I started thinking and I remembered that few weeks ago I was with my niece watching a show on television where the survivalist tried to open the lift’s door by his credit card and watch’s rim; I did all the same things and after twenty minutes of hard work I was able to open the door twenty inches wide I told everyone to move out one by one and pushing the door further, I successfully rescued five from the lift but still the danger was not over, the earthquake was over but, it had destroyed the town.
When I looked at the situation after coming out of the lift it was heart-beat stopping the building was ruined out and the sound of people rushing was clear. I looked out from a window of the hotel and found the city screaming for help. I took Emma’s hand ran toward the fire exit, the stairs were broken and damaged and we had to jump over some of the steps, her dress was interrupting to jump, she tore of half of the dress from down part and ran with me.
We reached the ground floor and saw the whole floor was empty and silence, I asked Emma if she was okay; she replied that she thinks so,
but I could see her bleeding from her right elbow and some scratches on her knees. I asked her to stay right there mean while I searched for a first-aid box and lope towards her as soon as I got it. I took off my jacket and tore its sleeves and used it as a band to stop her bleeding.  I tried to call ambulance but all the coverage was down. Suddenly the electricity ran out and it was all dark. The whole city was in a black out. I checked the time it was around two O’clock. I took Emma supporting her with my shoulders to walk.
I searched my car in the parking lot and saw it smashed by a big block of concrete. The police and rescue team was helping people but they also couldn’t help all of us it was a hustle around the city. I jumped over a car to have a look around the city and found many building fallen down and smoke and dust all around. Many places got fired up and people were injured lying on the street. Walking on the street with Emma I saw many people crying, many dead bodies on the ground and people rushing here and there.
Somehow I managed a ride to take us both to an open field, I was sitting beside Emma, she was scared and exhausted I could see her leg shaking and her hands in pain. She kept her head on my shoulders and sighed in relief. I said don’t you worry; everything is going to be alright. She nodded and replied hope it does.
I checked the coverage again and found network, I called Emma’s parents and told them that she is with me safe. Emma cried talking to them. Now I called my parents who were out of town, and I told them about the earthquake they told that they were tensed and were trying to call me, they also warned us that in news media is alerting for an after-effect. I told the driver to drive fast to the field as we don’t have much time, but the road was damaged and there were tons of obstacles.
But the driver somehow made it before the after-effect. At the open field, there were hundreds of people already present, crying and waiting for this whole thing to be over.
The sun was ready to come up soon and when it came it brought good news too. The earthquake was over and now the city was on its way to rebuild.
Emma came to me and said that she trusts me more than anyone, and I asked her to be my girlfriend. In my mind I always wanted to tell her that at a great time, now there couldn’t be a better time than this. She replied saying that why were I waiting so long to say that.

I hugged her tight and took her in my arms and looked toward the round orange sun.

                                                                                                                               - Truly Imaginary. By Akshat.


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