The Year [Part-3]

Note: This is Part 3 of the series of articles "The Year".

From now onwards nothing was going right. The starting of this year was pretty decent, yet I was not aware of the future. First, three months went super easy. Next three months came with depression and now I was sure that nothing will be alright ahead. I was ready to face the problems.

There was a hustle in my house because of packaging; the whole family was trying to pack everything before the date so that it doesn’t get mixed up later. Everyone was upset yet they were packing as they had no other choice. I was the most upset one in my family. Mixed feelings were playing with my mind. I was angry, upset, depressed all at the same time, and my mind was not giving me commands. I was not able to share my feeling with anyone. I was upset about my grandpa and was angry because the girl I loved, rejected me for no reason, and because of leaving the town I was upset. Later many of the things got resolved; such as the girl asked for continuing the friendship, I was pretty sure that this friendship will not stay much longer, but she proved it wrong and that is one of the things I love about her. I shifted to the new place in the first week of July.

I had to do many things in the place, where I got shifted. I had to make new friends at my new school as well as at my new house. At the same time, I had to cope up with my studies too. Everything was messed up and it made me cry out loud. I was frustrated for many reasons. But this time I had a person to share everything with, my new best friend, she understands me and never judges me, I love to talk to her and I want to know her more. She was the one who encouraged me all time, and whenever I was going to lose hope, she stood me up.
Image result for crying boy bnw photography

Gradually I made some friends at school as well as at home. I talked to my friends from my hometown daily, especially I tried to talk to the girl I love every day. She treats me as a good friend so do I but I carry some special feelings for which she does not. But that is also fine by me, as I still have some hope. And I love to love her. August also flew away in adjusting to a new place.

I went to my hometown on holidays once a month, and every time I try to meet my friends, especially my best ones and ‘her’. September came with exams and my grades were poor, so I tried to pull off my concentration from everything else and narrow it on my studies. September was full of studying and results. After results, some had a smile on their face, and some were stunned. I was the one with a smile on my face.
July was tough for shifting to a new place. August went in adjusting and September was full of studies. Yet nothing good happened in all these months, or I can say there was least smile on my face since April, the most beautiful month of this year.

To read [Part-4] Click Here.
Story Written By Akshat Atray.


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