The Year [Part-2]

Note : This is Part-2 of the series of article "The Year".

My life was moving smoothly, everything was on the track. I had a feeling that everything ahead will be same as now. Previous three months flew away so fast and now I was in new class, with new students, new friends. I was coming up with my studies; I was having a busy schedule.

It was the month of April and it will be the most beautiful month of this year for me, as I fell in love in that month. I fell for my friend. She was my good friend and we had nothing more than a small friendship. But suddenly I grew an immense love for her. Before that, she was just a common girl for me, but something attracted me towards her.
I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was her smile or her eyes. I was in love with her imperfections. I grew the love for her, but she didn’t know that, maybe because I never let her know, I kept it cool. I was afraid to lose her. Feeling of love is very beautiful. I couldn’t express my feelings to her, just in the fear of losing her. I used to adore her. I used to look deep into her eyes, she was everything for me.

April was so beautiful. Then came summer vacations, and I had mixed feelings for that, I was happy as well as upset. I was upset for not seeing the girl for two months. Yet summer vacations made me happy. My birthday comes at the end of the May, I was excited about that. But a week before my birthday, my grandpa went ill. His health was critical. I used to meet him in the hospital every day. It was five days before my birthday, my friends were making plans, and I was excited too. I was on the way to the hospital and got the news that, my grandpa passed away. He was the best person I knew. I loved him the most in my life.

It was the worst birthday of my life. I didn’t want any pity messages so I declined to tell it to my friends. Yet I told few about my grandpa. On my birthday I spent most of the time crying on my rooftop, which is the favourite place where I express feeling freely.

Two-Three weeks later I work on my mood and tried to be happy, but watching my mother crying made my mood worse. May, was the worst month of this year, and after that month nothing happened well.

Image result for crying boy bnw photogrphyJune came with a bad news. My father was transferred to a far away city. I was not ready for that. But I had no other choice. Now leaving the hometown was difficult for. I decided to do all the things I wanted to do in my hometown before I leave. And the first thing which came to my mind was to tell the girl I love, about my feelings. I was finding right day and the right moment to tell her everything I feel for her. But every time I tried to tell her, something in my mind stopped me. It was the fear of losing her.

Now only a week was left before leaving the hometown. Three days before leaving the town, I went to tell her everything. I am bad at expressing feelings, but I told her, I was planning to tell everything to her but I couldn’t. I fumbled; I was beating up the bushes. And I failed to tell her the true feelings. And as expected I got rejected, but I didn’t stop loving her. I still love her and day by day my love grows for her.

I left the town, and the most difficult part of leaving was to leave my best friend, Abhishek. On the last in school, I was hoping to see my whole gang. But none of them arrived, except few. And that day I cried a lot, I cried on the shoulders of my Best friend.

And the month of June also went away. April brought me, love, May departed my beloved grandpa, and June changed everything.

[Part-3] will be posted tomorrow.
Story Written By Akshat Atray.


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