The Year [Part-1]

Note : This article is a part of the whole series of articles "The Year". 
This is Part one, hope you love it.

The year 2016; begin with smiles and happy faces all around. I had many friends, my family was with me and everything was sorted. The month of January went swiftly and nothing much happened, except new year parties, parties with friends, birthday parties, outings, family gatherings. And the starting of this year seemed to be very delightful for me.

Image result for Year bnw photographyThen exams came, and the pressure from parents increased. And it made every student, walk out from outings. For a month some students started concentrating on studies, yet most of the students were carefree. Results arrived and some were happy with that, others were still carefree.

My year was moving smoothly, I’d a best friend, and school life was perfect. I had my friends with me, everyone was making out with each other but I was still single, yet happy about that. And my family life was not stable yet it was also perfect. In my family my father had to face some transfers and which made it difficult for the whole family to cope up, but we managed it all, yet the daily routine for my father was difficult and everyone was stressed about that. However, we all worked together to make that thing happen.

This year, started with excitement, as every single year begins. I had many goals to achieve, I was focused on them. And planning the future seemed easy for me, but I didn’t know the obstacles I was about to face this year.

These three starting months went well with lesser problems and bigger joyful moments. Overall I was happy with the upcoming months of this year and was unaware of the future obstacles.

Part-2 Click Here.Story written by Akshat Atray.


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