
Showing posts from December, 2016

Nobody's perfect.

Everybody's not perfect. Why talk about everybody? Nobody is perfect. We've got different definitions of perfections. Someone may define it based on looks or someone might define it on health or intelligence and not what. But the main idea behind defining something as 'goals' is because we're keen on achieving it. And so simply nobody's perfect 'cuz the goals keep on changing and taking higher and higher levels. We think of reaching the clouds but , the clouds are temporary and transient. So now we think of the sky. But the sky is practically not there so we never reach there. We never reach a specific goal which is almost imaginary. Because of the fact that our 'goals' keep on expanding. I'm not saying that its not good to dream but it would be better if our goals are more realistic and practical as far as our approach towards different situations in life is considered. As far as perfection is considered, when we have set goals

The Year [Part-4]

Note: This is Part 4 of the series of articles "The Year". For  Part-1 Click Here . For  Part-2 Click Here.  And For Part-3 Click Here More than half of the year was over and when I see myself 9 months ago, I see a totally different person. I was changed, I knew this; no one ever told me but I liked the changes in me, I became less insecure, more confident, and grew more love for some people. I was happy with the change in me. Nine months were over and now only three months were left to be faced, I made my mind for the worst case, and didn’t expect anything good ahead. Yet I tried everything to make the rest months to be easy and happy. But life proved me wrong again. October went in silence, it brought some difficulties but they seemed to be very small compared to the rest that I have faced in the previous few months. I tried to keep the bond between three friends, as I thought they were the only ones who were always there for me; I was trying to grow tha

The Year [Part-3]

Note: This is Part 3 of the series of articles "The Year". For Part-1 Click Here . And For Part-2 Click Here. From now onwards nothing was going right. The starting of this year was pretty decent, yet I was not aware of the future. First, three months went super easy. Next three months came with depression and now I was sure that nothing will be alright ahead. I was ready to face the problems. There was a hustle in my house because of packaging; the whole family was trying to pack everything before the date so that it doesn’t get mixed up later. Everyone was upset yet they were packing as they had no other choice. I was the most upset one in my family. Mixed feelings were playing with my mind. I was angry, upset, depressed all at the same time, and my mind was not giving me commands. I was not able to share my feeling with anyone. I was upset about my grandpa and was angry because the girl I loved, rejected me for no reason, and because of leaving the town I

The Year [Part-2]

Note : This is Part-2 of the series of article "The Year". To read Part-1 Click Here. My life was moving smoothly, everything was on the track. I had a feeling that everything ahead will be same as now. Previous three months flew away so fast and now I was in new class, with new students, new friends. I was coming up with my studies; I was having a busy schedule. It was the month of April and it will be the most beautiful month of this year for me, as I fell in love in that month. I fell for my friend. She was my good friend and we had nothing more than a small friendship. But suddenly I grew an immense love for her. Before that, she was just a common girl for me, but something attracted me towards her. I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was her smile or her eyes. I was in love with her imperfections. I grew the love for her, but she didn’t know that, maybe because I never let her know, I kept it cool. I was afraid to lose her. Feeling of love is very beaut

The Year [Part-1]

Note : This article is a part of the whole series of articles "The Year".  This is Part one, hope you love it. The year 2016; begin with smiles and happy faces all around. I had many friends, my family was with me and everything was sorted. The month of January went swiftly and nothing much happened, except new year parties, parties with friends, birthday parties, outings, family gatherings. And the starting of this year seemed to be very delightful for me. Then exams came, and the pressure from parents increased. And it made every student, walk out from outings. For a month some students started concentrating on studies, yet most of the students were carefree. Results arrived and some were happy with that, others were still carefree. My year was moving smoothly, I’d a best friend, and school life was perfect. I had my friends with me, everyone was making out with each other but I was still single, yet happy about that. And my family life wa