The True Friendship.

I love to make new friends. And this is the reason that I have so many friends. But I have only a few true friends on which I can trust blindly. Once I was asked a question by my best friend, and that question for a while made me think out loud. She asked me to suppose a situation, where I have to choose between her and the girl I love, whom I would choose. My answer was definitely her. And I told her so. But she was confused by the answer I gave to her.
Image result for friendship b&w photographyShe was searching the reason for which I chose her instead of my love. She asked me the reason and I had no answer to her, I didn’t think for a second before answering her question and it was her name instead of the girl I love in my mouth.  That conversation ended there.

But she made me thinking the reason for which I chose her. Later, that day when I was thinking about it, I got my answer. She means a lot to me. Our friendship is not so old rather it is very young, but I think it is the mutual understanding of both of us that is taking this friendship ahead. From past few months, our friendship has grown too much. And that is because she is like my diary and I feel telling her everything worth it. She does not judge me, and she is the one and only who makes me happy in my hard times. She is the only one who understands the grief of mine. She is no ordinary girl, at least for me. I love her imperfections. The girl I love sometimes hurts me and I am unable to share how I feel for her. But my best friend never hurts me and I can share any feeling with her, knowing that she will understand.
I was struggling with the reason that day. On one hand was the girl that I love most in this world, knowing that I’ll not get it in return from her, and on the other hand was the friendship which wasn’t that old but had a strong bond of understanding.

And maybe that is why I chose friendship before love.
This Article is dedicated to her.

Story wrote By Akshat Atray.


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