
Ever felt the need to move on from a person or a thing? It is definitely not easy to move on from a someone or something but at the same time, it is not impossible.

Never take the decision to move on unless and until you are fully consumed and are now fed up of the pain you are going through. According to me, you should convince yourself enough to make your inner self ready for the transformation. Also, never take the decision when you are consumed in jealousy. Revenge is definitely not a part of the plan.

Don't ever go for alternatives. Don't ever think that you'll be able to drive a person-specific from your mind and heart if you settle for someone else. Old memories will resurface. You'll have more expectations or you'll simply expect your past happiness. You'll start thinking more about your past soulmate and regret will fill your heart. And you will end up breaking the heart of your new partner too. It will be a rare circumstance if your new person fully takes the seat in your heart and would never leave. Although nothing is impossible.

Don't ever let your personal life affect your social life. If you think that posting sad and heartbroken statuses and all black and white pictures with saddening hashtags is the trend, then you're wrong. It will, on the other hand, make you believe that you are born to be sad and broken. Instead, post some happy-happy photographs and if you're looking for a revenge kind of thing, then it might help as well.

Make yourself busy. It is the best way of enhancing yourself, being with your body and even making you forget a painful heartbreak. Maybe you'll get to know the area where you are creative. It might help you in your studies as well. As much as I have noticed, a broken heart can solve maths more easily. Funny it seems, but I have observed it. Also, have some fun with your friends, go for long trips and definitely, shopping! After all, you'll need to mend your heart and soul with some beautiful clothes.

Go for revenge-bodies. Google it if you haven't heard of this term yet.

I read somewhere that nine-tenth of our mind is unconscious of our decisions. It is only the one-tenth part that takes the decisions and the rest of the part which is nine times stronger, destroys all decisions that we tend to take. In order to make that part conscious, we need to meditate. So I believe that meditation might also free your mind of the impending pain. It seems to be an odd idea but worth a try.

And the last, give it a try to transform your loneliness into aloneness. There's a huge difference between the two. Let your mind into peace and you'll know it.
All the best!


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