Losing Someone Special.

Friendship is a very cute and happiest thing. Having true friends is one of the best things in life.
But, losing someone that you thought was your best friend is one of the dreadful things in your life. I faced this situation recently and I can say that there is nothing worse feeling than this.

A girl is in my life that I use to love and adore, she was my best friend. I loved to talk to her and share everything that I felt. We both use to text each other pretty enough. She was one of the people who helped me to scratch away my sadness and loneliness when I shifted my home to a new place. I loved her with the purest heart and I couldn’t see her upset or down.
I use to cherish the moments that we use to spend together. Her presence would make me smile, and just by talking to her my day uses to become happy and shiny.

When I left my hometown, I went pretty upset and depressed; I was losing friends, but still I had three best friends that I knew will never leave me even if I am in trouble. I developed a very trustworthy feeling for them. Each day after coming from school I use to feel lonely, so I used to text them and they helped me to ease my loneliness. I use to constantly start a new topic so to make the conversation keep going, but sometimes I ran out of topics; that time I felt helpless. I thought they also liked to chat with me.
Image result for crying boy b&w photography
But recently, a few days ago, I was having a conversation with the girl I loved the most. For past few days, she was ignoring me, I thought she might be busy. Then she had no interest in texting me back, it was still fine by me. But, one day I asked her that she is ignoring me for few days, is she? And she replied casually accepting that yes she was. I asked her many times why is she doing so? She had no reason. I was feeling vulnerable. I said many things to her which I regret now because I know I cannot be happy without talking to her for a day; she was the one who use to make my day.

But, we ended up talking. Neither she replied nor did I have the willingness to talk to her. After all, I ruined it all. I still regret what I did, but it was not my fault either. She made me cry that day. And she does not even care about it anymore. But I still care for her. Every hour I switch my phone to see whether she replied or not. That day when we texted each other for last time, till now, was an emotional one and I can’t forget it. As the one I loved the most in this world doesn’t even care about me.

The story was written By Akshat Atray.


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