
Showing posts from November, 2016

The True Friendship.

I love to make new friends. And this is the reason that I have so many friends. But I have only a few true friends on which I can trust blindly. Once I was asked a question by my best friend, and that question for a while made me think out loud. She asked me to suppose a situation, where I have to choose between her and the girl I love, whom I would choose. My answer was definitely her. And I told her so. But she was confused by the answer I gave to her. She was searching the reason for which I chose her instead of my love. She asked me the reason and I had no answer to her, I didn’t think for a second before answering her question and it was her name instead of the girl I love in my mouth.  That conversation ended there. But she made me thinking the reason for which I chose her. Later, that day when I was thinking about it, I got my answer. She means a lot to me. Our friendship is not so old rather it is very young, but I think it is the mutual understanding of both of us that

The U-Turn.

Indian Marriages are fun but it is very complex too just like an onion, you peel and peel the layers to get the best, similarly in Indian marriages there are tonnes of ceremonies that makes Indian marriages very fun as well as stressful. And when the wedding season arrives it gets very energetic around families and relatives having an upcoming marriage. This is not a story of mine with any marriage Incident, but it’s related to it a little. So my mother’s birthday comes in the month of wedding season. And once it was claimed that on my mother’s birthday enormous number of couples were getting married in my hometown, breaking the record of highest marriages in one day. We were deciding a place to celebrate my mother’s birthday, and we all came to a conclusion that we will celebrate in a nearby hotel, the hotel was well known for its cuisine and class. And we decided not going anywhere far as there was news for high traffic jam alerts on roads. My father was pretty sure that

Losing Someone Special.

Friendship is a very cute and happiest thing. Having true friends is one of the best things in life. But, losing someone that you thought was your best friend is one of the dreadful things in your life. I faced this situation recently and I can say that there is nothing worse feeling than this. A girl is in my life that I use to love and adore, she was my best friend. I loved to talk to her and share everything that I felt. We both use to text each other pretty enough. She was one of the people who helped me to scratch away my sadness and loneliness when I shifted my home to a new place. I loved her with the purest heart and I couldn’t see her upset or down. I use to cherish the moments that we use to spend together. Her presence would make me smile, and just by talking to her my day uses to become happy and shiny. When I left my hometown, I went pretty upset and depressed; I was losing friends, but still I had three best friends that I knew will never leave me even if I am i


Moving-on. Ever felt the need to move on from a person or a thing? It is definitely not easy to move on from a someone or something but at the same time, it is not impossible. Never take the decision to move on unless and until you are fully consumed and are now fed up of the pain you are going through. According to me, you should convince yourself enough to make your inner self ready for the transformation. Also, never take the decision when you are consumed in jealousy. Revenge is definitely not a part of the plan. Don't ever go for alternatives. Don't ever think that you'll be able to drive a person-specific from your mind and heart if you settle for someone else. Old memories will resurface. You'll have more expectations or you'll simply expect your past happiness. You'll start thinking more about your past soulmate and regret will fill your heart. And you will end up breaking the heart of your new partner too. It will be a rare circumstance if yo

Was It?

Was It her pretty Smile, That she gives to everyone, Or was it her endearing laugh, That stays forever in my mind. Was It her hair, that she flicks, Which makes me love her again. Or was it her beautiful eyes,  In which I lose myself sometimes. Was It her endless talks, Which I can hear for life. Or was it her delicate hands, Which I want to hold for life. Was It her repentant tears, Which I hate the most in my life. Or was it her esoteric secrets, That I want to know all of them. Whatever It was, She made me fall for her again and again. I share true love for her, but I don't know where she is. Dedicated to my special one... Hope she finds it. Poem Written By Akshat Atray. #LivingHerSmile.