Lost and Faded.

This is the story of a boy that had experienced very sad situations and was trying to still smile.
Steve was 16, and was a fun loving person; his life was moving buttery smooth. He had perfect family, perfect friends and a perfect girlfriend.
He was attractive and was very helping person. Everything was in line and his summer vacations were about to start when his grandfather’s health went really bad, he started visiting his grandpa and started talking to him.
Daily he used to go to the hospital during the visiting hours and his grandpa told him his love-story when he was 16 years old. Steve tried to catch up his life in his grandpa’s story. Their story was similar at some constant.
Steve’s birthday was near but his grandpa’s health went vulnerable. Steve started spending his time with his grandpa, and this wasn’t bearable by her girlfriend and this led to some serious quarrels between them two.
Steve went to meet his girlfriend to tell her that he need a break-up from her because for him his family comes first and everything later, he told her everything and she also accepted that as if she wanted that to happen, Steve was broken and he went to his best friend to share his feelings, meanwhile his grandfather get critical and was shifted to ICU, family was trying to call Steve but he silenced his phone and was drunk with his friend in his house next morning when he woke and saw that he had thirty missed calls on his phone, he was confused how to react; he took his bike and went to the hospital where his family was crying and was staring him as if he do not care for his family.
Steve felt thousand needles hitting him at the same time, when he got to know that his grandfather died. His family was ignoring him and was talking about him that being closest to his grandfather He was not there when his grandfather was screaming his name. Steve had no interest in his relatives thought about him, as he was broke twice.
Now only his friends could understand him. There was a girl Ellie with whom Steve shared everything and the best part was that Ellie and Steve had very best chemistry and they never judged each other.

Now Steve was trying to be happy with his friends, and wanted to spent more time with them, but don’t know why God was not with this guy; Steve was trying to apply to Nat Geo Magazines for many years and now he got letter one day, in that letter he was chosen to be the editor of the magazine but he was called to Tokyo to join the Organization.
Steve was in a big mess. His life was in the middle of a railway track, he could either jump on a side where his friends was waiting for him and on the other side his passion and his goals.
Steve could not choose any one side and stayed in the middle.

                                                                                                                               By – Akshat Atray. 


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