
Showing posts from June, 2016


  Hard times finding something, Huh? Well we all have gone through the time finding that one thing we all crave for. Something that enlightens a different kind of zeal in our bodies, something which nobody can snatch away from you- POSITIVITY. When you have it, all of a sudden you see a reprised version of yourself, things become more beautiful. All of a sudden, life is amazing. No worries. No tensions. It's just you and embracing arms of that life full of good vibes waiting for you at the edge of the cliff ,from which you fall down into a world of negativity, to get hold of you. Poignant thoughts, rushes through everyone's mind, every time something bothers you way too much, something haunts you more than the extent, but at the end it's you who win the battle against them if we break those " oughts " that bars you from being the person who you truly are, from your true meaning of life. The very essence of Positivity is that you can find it anywhere an

Lost and Faded.

This is the story of a boy that had experienced very sad situations and was trying to still smile. Steve was 16, and was a fun loving person; his life was moving buttery smooth. He had perfect family, perfect friends and a perfect girlfriend. He was attractive and was very helping person. Everything was in line and his summer vacations were about to start when his grandfather’s health went really bad, he started visiting his grandpa and started talking to him. Daily he used to go to the hospital during the visiting hours and his grandpa told him his love-story when he was 16 years old. Steve tried to catch up his life in his grandpa’s story. Their story was similar at some constant. Steve’s birthday was near but his grandpa’s health went vulnerable. Steve started spending his time with his grandpa, and this wasn’t bearable by her girlfriend and this led to some serious quarrels between them two. Steve went to meet his girlfriend to tell her that he need a break-up from her be